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21st December Solstice Goddess Transmission, Channelling & Meditation 

+ BONUS 7-day Temple Immersion Experience (15th - 21st Dec)

“Dear child, worry not, rest assured……

Journey to my robe of in my luminous stars, 

to brighten your heart, light up your spirit... 

for you’re the joyous Star Child of mine……”


✶    The Star Goddess   âœ¶

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Dear ones, did you know that we are in an incredible time of energetic upgrade, with the potent stellar Light ushering in? 

This is accelerating the evolution for both us and our planet like never before. 


This month, I’ll be offering a unique Goddess Transmission, Channelling and Meditation on the 21st December Solstice.






2020 has been a year of huge planetary evolution. We have experienced waves of purification, as signified by the virus situation globally.


This is happening so our planet and we can ground into the Golden Age Light and reality. The more we can purify the old energies, the more space we have within to receive the new Light.  


Over the last 2 months, this wave of purification has been intensified.


Are you experiencing confusion, anxiety or emotional overwhelm?

Are you finding it hard to lift yourself from feeling ‘low’, to a good space, a good energy?


These are the signs of purification. 


In this powerful month of December, the Star Goddess is flowing through to bless us with her love & support, to elevate us to be able to absorb the potent stellar Light. 






The Star Goddess is reaching for you now, her beautiful child.
To open your heart to receive the divine light and her infinite blessings….
Journey with her on the powerful day of Solstice,
through to the grid point of Uluru….to receive her energetic transmission.





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The Saturn and Jupiter ‘Star’ - Uluru - the Pleiadian Prophecy


In my perception, the day of the Solstice witnesses an opening of a powerful Light portal, one between the Cosmos and our Earth locations such as Uluru in Australia. 


In our night’s sky, the joining of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius appears to be one radiant star - this is referred to as the ‘Star of Bethlehem’, a phenomenon that hasn’t appeared for the last 800 years.


The time of Solstice also coincides with a beautiful Pleiadian Prophecy:

It’s said that the Pleiadian’s (our Star ancestor's and kin) have left a 'magic box' hidden upon this Earth (many believed to be in Uluru). And this box would be activated over this Solstice, if enough humans come together in love & unity consciousness, to help us evolve into a higher reality.


Woven with so much stellar Light, Cosmic & Earth significance, this is such a potent time. We’re closer to our Star families and God/Goddess like never before!


Receiving the Goddess Transmission over this special time amplifies your opportunity to receive the incoming Light and awaken your stellar codes. An amazing chance to quantum leap your vibration and reality.


Held by the luminous grace of the Star Goddess, your energy will be elevated, helping you to ground this powerful Light into your heart, your being and reality.






Journey with the Star Goddess, blessed by her luminous Light.
Be immersed in her divine illumination, through to the powerful grid point of Uluru.






Goddess Transmission, Channelling & Meditation, Solstice 21st Dec



Join me for the Goddess Transmission this Solstice on 21st December. 


Journey with the Star Goddess. Be immersed in her divine illumination, through to the powerful grid point of Uluru. 


Let yourself…


rest in her robe of luminous stars…

receive her divine blessings to dissolve stress & pain, nurture fear & anxiety into love & hope…

infuse potent stellar Light & coding to accelerate your healing & the birthing of a new beginning…

remember deep in your soul, the star child that you are…


… and much more.                                                                                                 

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online event. 21st Dec. recording available 6pm AEST


$45 AUD




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Pay with card: on Paypal page, select 'Pay with a Card' to proceed with payment with card.)



✧  a divine channelling through the Star Goddess

✧  insights of the planetary energy now and how it impacts your life & evolution

✧  loving guidance from the Star Goddess and divine beings supporting this transmission

✧  Goddess Transmission meditations and light code activation



✧  gain access to the Transmission recording from 6pm AEST, 21st Dec

✧  receive in the comfort of your home, replay in your own time



✧  7-day Goddess Temple Immersion, preparing your energetically to the Transmission (See details below)



FREE BONUS: Goddess Temple Immersion…
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Starting on 15th Dec, over 7 days, be held in our virtual TEMPLE OF GODDESS…


✧  receive daily Goddess inspiration, healing tips and meditations.

✧  be energetically prepared to maximise your GODDESS TRANSMISSION experience on 21st December.

✧  be held in our virtual sacred Temple space, to soften your heart, quieten your mind, into a beautiful receptive space.



I look forward to connecting with you in the divine grace of the Goddess…!


Blessings, Lily 










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Lily is a Goddess-lineage Mystery School initiate, Spirit Channel and Healer. ​Her deepest calling is to be a Channel & Guide to support you to heal, to rediscover your True Self and your Divine Light within.


Through her channelling & healing work, Lily helps you to reclaim the wellness, balance & divine connection you deserve. to have a happy & soul-fulfilling life here on the new Earth.


Through that, she is dedicated to support the co-creation of the New Golden Age on Earth.







"I have had a one on one frequency healing with Lily, it was amazing how I felt after, so cleansed & light. 

I also love the monthly healing meditations they really moved the energy in my body very fast to heal me quicker.

Lily is a beautiful person & I love how she channels the energy for me to bring me to a state of peace. 

I highly recommend Lily for a transference healing & to attend the meditation sessions xx"


- Tracey. Tweed Head South -


to instantly ground your energy, soothe overwhelm, and uplift your vibration & spirit.

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© 2024 Crystalline Healing. All Rights Reserved.

This practice is independently owned and operated by Lily Mai (Crystalline Healing ABN: 81630857197)

under a license from Transference Healing® Pty Ltd  – ACN 121 645 047.


Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality.

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