Sustain the beautiful frequency & pure hearts of Your Crystal Children...
Support Your Child's on-going physical & emotional Wellness & Balance...
Heal the Inner Child in You...Open your beautiful & sensitive heart...
Return to the Purity of Your Child within...
The Child of Light Workshop supports you to work with your Crystal Children*, as well as your inner child.
This workshop will greatly support the health & emotional wellbeing of your children. It is also very beneficial for adults helping you to heal your Inner Child pain, and to feel grounded & calm on the Earth's 5th dimensional grid.
Through this 1-day workshop, you will learn:
a set of simple yet effective procedures to run on Crystal Children to sustain their health & wellness, clearing Lightbody symptoms;
techniques to effectively calm & sooth your children's emotions & mind;
a bigger picture of who Crystal Children are, the impacts of Earth changes on them, and Lightbody symptoms manifesting in these children;
how to create a high-frequency environment to help Crystal Children feel safe & belonging to the Earth;
simple meditations to run with your Crystal Children.
Through the energetic influence of Chiron, the Child of Light healing procedures support the Crystalline Grid Template to anchor in, and assists the integration of crystalline and stellar Light frequencies into the sensitive body and consciousness of your Crystal Children. This in turn enables your children to sustain their pure frequency, while also preventatively cares against Lightbody symptoms that might affect their health & wellness.
Workshop Bonus Inclusions:
Workshop Manual
2 x full colour workshop templates
Platonic Solids Crystal Set and a Clear Quartz Crystal.
Price: $700
Next Workshop Dates: contact Lily to find out dates for the next WORKSHOP.

Email: please click link to book Workshop BOOK NOW
Phone: please ring Lily on 0402 177 436
Upon booking you will receive a confirmation email. Location and address details will be emailed to you closer to the event.

*Crystal Children
Children who have been birthed onto Earth since August 11, 1999 are Crystal Children. These children hold the template of the 5th dimensional crystalline grid.
With a 5th dimensional template within them, Crystal Children hold a higher frequency than the world around them, and they are more pure & sensitive in their heart & emotions. Lightbody Symptoms are manifesting with Crystal Children when they are struggling with the Earth's transition or are impacted by the changing world around them. These Crystal Children need our support to ground & sustain their pure & sensitive presences on Earth.
CHILD OF LIGHT Healing Procedures can effectively treat Lightbody Symptoms Crystal Children are manifesting, supporting your child to feel calm, grounded & stable and live a healthy & joyful life.
Examples of Common Lightbody Symptoms: (See Full List here)
Respiratory discomfot, asthma-like symptom, flu-like symptoms, hay fever
Immune deficiency and fluctuation
Dizziness, ringing in the ears, coordination imbalances
Tightness in the chest and feelings of physical/emotional hypersnsitivity
Short periods of intense tiredness, or on a parallel level, sudden bursts of high energy
Mood swings with intense bouts of emotion that needs to be expressed
Strange symptomatic pain in the body
Expression of feelings that they do not belong here on Earth
and more. Click link to see a full list of Lightbody Symptoms.
To experience powerful healing process involved in the above Workshops, please check out:
and to book your healing, click CONTACT to phone or email.
To read more about the frequency healing modality, please click the links below: