Beloved ones,
Are you enjoying the energy of July?
Personally I find this month's energy rather intense. It's a month of the Eclipse. The Eclipse energy is like 'high waves', taking us through currents of change and upgrade.
In this video, I'd love to share with you:
* The Eclipse energy, and what does it mean to you energetically.
* 3 Keys: how to go with change with more ease and grace.
* Healing exercise: stabilise your energy into the 5th dimensional Earth Grid.
If you're feeling energies or emotions surfacing but find it difficult to release them, our upcoming Animal Magic Circle of Fire group healing would be amazing for you. Enjoy it from your own home, you will be supported through a deep cleanse and uplift:
6-7:30pm, Sunday 14th July
(sorry, I mentioned incorrect date on the video.)
Learn more & bookings:

Our July Group Healing Meditation will be working with the amazing crystal skulls. It's all about healing your blueprint, attuning to the deeper dimension of nature for revitalisation and nourishment:
Attend this meditation and receive a powerful shift in your vibration and allow a beautiful healing from the natural elements and crystals.
9:30-11:30am, Sunday 21st July
Learn more & bookings:
If you feel the above insight and tips would be helpful to your friends or family, feel free to share this page with them.
Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions or comments:
With so much love & blessings, Lily x